
Showing posts from October, 2018

Describing My Photograph

Describe : I made this piece using pencils. I first lightly sketched out the outline of my drawing. Then i went in with an HB pencil and added some darker details. For the black areas in my picture i used a 4B pencil to apply the darkest color. Lastly i took either the lightest pencil; 4H or an eraser and added the highlights and white areas. I think the blending is clearly shown in my piece and i used a blending tool to do it.  Analyze: In my piece i used balance by centering the horse in the middle of the page. I also used movement throughout the fur and fence. Along with emphasis in the dark and bold areas. For the arrangement i considered multiple different positions for the horse. I was influenced by the realism period of art.  Interpretation: There’s meaning in this piece for me because i decided to draw my own horse. I used my own picture and my ideas developed from looking at multiple different pictures. Then comparing them and drawing the best. So, my piece is about my ho

Value Project

Drawing Photo